Last December, Josh and Nadia and their three young children were living in their car before finding temporary shelter at the Hebron House in Waukesha. After 30 days, the family needed to find another place to live, so they called Family Promise of Waukesha County.
“Family Promise put us in a really nice two-bedroom apartment and it has been a blessing. They’ve provided us with food and transportation and helped me find a job. Everything is going great and it just feels better mentally. This is the best I’ve felt in a long while,” Josh said.
Josh is working two jobs currently, even walking one mile to work when the buses aren’t running. Nadia is dedicated to taking care of their children ages 5, 3 and 2. The couple is learning how to manage their finances and other skills with help from the case managers at Family Promise.
“It has been like a journey. We’ve had to learn a lot to be where we want to be,” added Nadia. “We meet with Family Promise three times a week and they’re helping us keep track of our goals to get us ready for the real world. It has been a blessing.”