Participants of the Family Homelessness Prevention Program recently took a survey about how housing assistance helped them.
What we can report is that 93% were able to stay in their home. 60% report that their financial situation has improved, but 53% report that their current financial situation remains shaky or in crisis mode. We believe that this is an indicator of the current housing market. High rent, low housing availability, and income unable to match the cost of rent are all making housing unreachable for many in Waukesha County.
Finally, we need to commend our case managers, Callie and Courtney. 80% of the respondents consider the case management they have received exceptional!
In the month of April we received 31 applications for assistance, our highest number of 2022. We provided help to seven households consisting of nine adults and 16 children. For 2022 we have distributed $39,653. These funds have provided assistance to 28 unique households consisting of 39 adults and 64 children. The total number of households served in 2022 are 39 consisting of 52 adults and 89 children. The following graphs show information about those we served in the month of April.

The past few weeks have seen turn over in the Apartment Shelter Program. We are happy that Josh and Nahid, and Sabrina have been able to move into new homes! The Winter Overflow ended on April 30. This means our capacity to serve is back to three families.
We are happy to welcome Steve and Lucy and their two boys as well as Linda and her grandchild. Karen and her family are moving into their new home next week. Once the apartment is prepared, a new family will have an opportunity to join the program. Courtney is already meeting with prospective families.
This infographic provides you with the Apartment Shelter statistics as of April 30, 2022.
