An original Volunteer Coordinator shares her memories

Jane Lurvey is the Volunteer Coordinator from Delafield Presbyterian. Both Jane and Delafield Presbyterian have been a part of Family Promise of Waukesha County since the beginning. She shares her memories and impressions of working with Family Promise and serving families experiencing homelessness.
It has been 10 years of listening, caring, supporting and loving all the families that have entered our doors looking for a warm meal, a safe place to lay their head and a group of people who care. The first families will always be etched in my mind, a frightened young pregnant woman and a mother with a two-year-old with no income and nowhere to live. The other faces I see are two little girls, 5 and 4, with their pink and white fluffy polka dot robes and pink slippers walking hand ‘n hand down the hallway to their room, their family relieved they have a safe place to sleep. I see a young happy boy sitting at the dinner table with the other families blowing out his birthday candles and opening one little gift. In the middle of a frigid winter night an incredibly young inexperienced couple brings a sweet baby boy through our door looking for guidance yet again with nowhere to go. I see three women sitting around the table putting a puzzle together talking about their life struggles and the little girl sitting and listening to a story read by a volunteer. Helping these very faces and many other faces to come is why we will always help and care for others.
We invite you to share your stories. You can do so by completing the form online, or send us a note ( answering any of the questions below.
How were/are you involved in Family Promise over the ten years?
What motivated you to get involved?
What are the highlights of your connection to Family Promise over the years?
What challenges have you experienced in your involvement?
What successes have you seen?
Please share a story that captures the essence of Family Promise
What are your hopes for Family Promise for the next ten years?