Partner Organizations
We believe that family homelessness needs a community response. Partner organizations are a part of that solution. These organizations are making a difference for families across Waukesha County.
Host Sites
Host sites provide shelter for families for one week at a time. Members of the congregation or civic group also provide meals and fellowship when families are staying at their facility.
Christ the King, Delafield
Church of the Resurrection, Pewaukee
Emmanuel United Church of Christ, Dousman
First Congregational UCC, Oconomowoc
Oakwood Church, Hartland
Our Savior's Lutheran Church, Hartland
Our Savior's Lutheran Church, Oconomowoc
Reformation Lutheran Church, Town of Genesee
St. Theresa, Eagle
Support Sites
Support sites partner with host sites to provide meals and fellowship during the family’s stay at the host site's facility.
Acts 2 Church, Genesee Depot
Cross Lutheran, Ixonia
Evangelical & Reformed United Church of Christ, Waukesha
Highview Presbyterian Church, Dousman
Hope Church, Oconomowoc
Islamic Society of Milwaukee/Brookfield
Lake Country Unitarian Universalist Church, Hartland
St. Anthony on the Lake, Pewaukee
St. Bartholomew’s Pewaukee
St. Catherine’s, Mapleton
St. James, Mukwonago
St. Jerome Catholic Church, Oconomowoc
St. Joan of Arc, Nashotah
St. Mary’s Episcopal Church, Dousman
St. Paul’s Lutheran Church, Oconomowoc
Vernon Evangelical Lutheran Church
Waukesha Church of Christ, Waukesha