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A Focus on Volunteer Ann Corning


Ann Corning serves as the Volunteer Coordinator for Our Savior Lutheran Church in Oconomowoc. Her husband John has been involved with Family Promise through our furniture program.

Ann is a passionate advocate for Family Promise and a willing volunteer. In addition to serving as a VC (Volunteer Coordinator), she also helps clean apartments between families and helps with mailings.

We are so grateful to have Ann and John involved with Family Promise of Waukesha County!


How did you get involved with Family Promise of Waukesha County?

In 2011, I was searching for a way to help with easing the incidence of homelessness in our area. About the same time, a group of pastors in Western Waukesha County were researching solutions. I went to the first meeting to investigate the possibility of implementing Family Promise in our community. From that meeting on I was hooked.

What have been some of your volunteer roles/experiences?

I started as a church recruiter, trying to build our base of churches to at least 26. I’ve worked as a volunteer trainer, as the volunteer coordinator for Our Savior’s Lutheran in Oconomowoc, as well as helping out from stuffing envelopes to cleaning the apartments to name a few.

What has been the most rewarding part of your service to families experiencing homelessness?

To me the most rewarding part of this program is meeting the guest families, especially the children. I’ve also met so many amazing people along the way who have a passion for service. It feels hopeful to know so many positive and kind people.

What has been challenging about volunteering?

Sometimes making the time for all of the responsibilities that come with volunteering can be a challenge. It’s not easy to make choices on when to help, and when to say no.

What is the impact that Family Promise makes?

This program gives our guests a compassionate and supportive second chance to be independent and successful. Families have a chance to be lifted up through a very difficult time. They have the opportunity to learn new skills and to meet people that can be a support system throughout future successes and struggles. We all deserve that.

What would you recommend to those who are considering getting involved?

Consider your gifts and interests so that you will know where you fit into our organization. There are so many ways to make a difference within Family Promise.


Ann, thank you for being involved with Family Promise of Waukesha County

and for supporting families experiencing homelessness!

Looking to volunteer? Learn more here.

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