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Summary of tasks for each core program

Ever wonder what keeps us busy? Here is a summary of the core programs recommended by Family Promise national and an update on what is happening here at Family Promise of Waukesha County. 

There are four core programs that Family Promise national recommends to each affiliate. Those programs are:

(1) Eviction (Homelessness) Prevention

(2) Shelter Diversion

(3) Shelter

(4) Stabilization

Some affiliates will offer other housing programs such as Transitional Housing or Permanent Supportive Housing. Here are updates on each of our programs.

Family Homelessness Prevention Program

This program has undergone a complete renovation over the past few months. The process now includes an assessment, addition to the homelessness management information system, home visit to ensure the habitability of each residence and landlords agreeing to work with the program.  

What are we working on in prevention?

  • Implementing our new process

  • Recruiting volunteers to help with the habitability assessments


Apartment Shelter Program

We lease five apartments which are used for shelter. Currently we are serving four families utilizing all five apartments. We are accommodating a larger family in two units. The families consist of six adults and 13 children. Two children are under the age of five.

What are we working on in Shelter? 

  • Implement a partner program to provide meals to families in the apartments

  • Start life skills and wellness seminars- one each month

  • Lease a sixth apartment in Oconomowoc

  • Purchase a multi-family unit, utilizing a grant from the American Rescue Plan.

  • Formalizing our transitional housing program. 



When families leave shelter or the prevention program they can elect to continue to receive support which could include case management, participation in seminars.

What are we working on in Stabilization?

  • Develop a follow-up program to help families move out of poverty. 


Shelter Diversion

Diversion is assistance provided to families who are homeless but have not entered shelter. The purpose is to act quickly and help families resolve their housing issues creatively without having to enter shelter. Some strategies utilized to help families avoid shelter are: 

  • security deposits and first month rent

  • temporary hotel stay

  • mediation between tenant and landlord to resolve the issues AFTER a non-renewal/eviction with the hope of a return

  • developing a mediation process for landlords and tenants before eviction

  • covering moving/storage costs 

  • incentivizing a landlord to accept a tenant with a recent eviction

  • providing legal representation during eviction 

What are we working on?

  • Seeking funding to implement a shelter diversion program.

Hopefully there will be more to report soon. 😁



Prevention stats are lower for the first quarter than previous years due to the changes we have made to our application process.

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