The Family Promise Five is a weekly update that focuses on the FIVE topics, issues, events, volunteer opportunities or needs of Family Promise Waukesha County. This communication will update, inform and advocate for families who are experiencing homelessness or at risk of experiencing homelessness. Here is the Family Promise Five for September 6, 2024.

Our mission is to help low-income families and families experiencing homelessness achieve sustainable independence through a community-based response.
The Family Promise Five for September 6 are:
If you want others to be happy, practice compassion. If you want to be happy, practice compassion.
-Dalai Lama

Thank you to Joe, Robin, John and Mike trim hedges, weed our backyard, mow our lawn and dispose of yard waste this past week!

This past week people who have been involved in Family Promise of Waukesha County over the years gathered to tell stories and reminisce. Our friends at 3Barn captured the conversation. Our plan is to show the video at our Anniversary Celebration on October 25. (L-R Dave Tennyck, Mariha Stewart, Marjore Thompson, Joe Nettesheim and Joe DeKlotz.)
How many Churches were the original partners with Family Promise of Western Waukesha County?
Why giving shelter families privacy leads to success.

One of the strengths of the Apartment Shelter Program is that families have the privacy of their own apartment. These two bedroom apartments provide program participants dignity, independence, responsibility, normalcy and privacy. It is not unusual that when a family enters the shelter program that there is anxiety and concern about safety, privacy, and self- determination. The image that many have of being in a shelter is that the shelter will be a large open dorm room. Shelters provide a roof and four walls, but often the traditional shelter guidelines lead to families losing independence. The nature of shelter life often means that participants have rules about what and when they eat, sleep, shower or do laundry. There is a lot to grieve when one experiences homelessness. It often results in the loss of home, independence, self- determination, self-esteem, and hope.
Shelters are not a long term solution to homelessness. Housing is the solution to homelessness. The Apartment Shelter Program provides a model that best gives families that sense of normalcy. A recent article in the New York Times highlighted similar programs in California and the success they are experiencing. The model that is profiled offers those experiencing homelessness their own space, but it is also on a campus that offers other services such as mental and physical health care. Paul Simpson, Chief Financial Officer, of LifeMoves which operates a facility for homeless families, “cites data from one of its modular campuses showing that last year, 94 percent of families that moved on to permanent housing remained there and 87 percent of singles and couples did. ‘We believe we’re on the right track in finding ways to crack the cycle of homelessness rather than just a temporary reprieve.’”
Family Promise of Waukesha County started using this model of shelter during the pandemic. We too have seen success in helping families remain housed after they exit the Apartment Shelter Program. Over the four years we have offered the Apartment Shelter Program 87% of families served did not have a second occurrence of homelessness. This is a remarkable percentage compared to other traditional shelters.
Giving those experiencing homelessness privacy in their own space by using hotels, apartments, tiny homes, trailer homes, started gaining traction during Covid. Due to the success of these programs and its emphasis on independence, self-determination and human dignity (or as the article emphasizes the 3 P’s privacy, possessions and pets) this model continues to grow.
We are humbled by the impact that our program makes in our community, the inspiring families we work with, a great staff, and generous partners like United Way who change the lives of people experiencing financial hardship.
Deb Bursinger shares her reflection of serving as a Volunteer Coordinator
Deb Bursinger has been involved as the Volunteer Coordinator from First Congregational UCC, Oconomowoc since the beginning. She shares her thoughts about Family Promise over the past ten years.
What motivated you to get involved?
Pastor Steve Welch. He brought the issue of homelessness in Oconomowoc and surrounding areas into our consciousness.
What challenges did you face?

Residents of Waukesha Co were reluctant to recognize there were any homeless children and families here. Even when it was recognized, many were reluctant to use our churches to help house them.
What success did you see?
The children and families that have found sustainable housing as a result of Family Promise is its biggest success. I believe the program's success can be attributed to families being treated with kindness, empathy, compassion, and generosity by staff and volunteers. Another reason the program has become successful is the work done on the front end to raise awareness of the issue of homelessness in communities. By making Waukesha County residents aware of the issue, we were able to get an amazing number of volunteers, churches, and organizations involved so that Family Promise of Waukesha
What were the highlights?
I loved being a volunteer coordinator for our church. It brought a mission project to our doors and our congregation responded to the opportunity to provide meals, shelter, and friendship to guests. I loved that our beautiful church space and members could make such a difference in people's lives outside of Sunday worship. I have also loved being involved in the golf outing and watching it grow from a few participants with a dinner in the back room of a small restaurant to fun day with over 100 golfers, raffles, silent auction, entertainment, and stories from former FP guests.
What is a story that captures the essence of Family Promise?
I don't have one particular story. Rather, the essence of Family Promise for me has been watching the community and our congregation come together to address an issue. I recall the many meetings to bring the affiliate into existence, the search for a day center, the meetings with congregations to grow participation, raising funds, getting volunteers. It is a great example of what a small group of volunteers can do to improve their community. Getting to know guests is always a bittersweet privilege. It is sad to hear about their struggles but happy that they have a safe place to stay until they can move on.
What are your hopes for Family Promise in the future?
I want to see Family Promise continue to succeed in its mission to help families find sustainable housing, in whatever form is necessary to accomplish that mission. I miss the fellowship and community building that occurred with the church rotational model but recognize that it is of utmost importance to meet the needs of the guests in the most effective and efficient manner. I hope there will be ways to continue volunteer involvement. I appreciate Joe's recognition of the volunteer work that went into establishing and growing FP of Waukesha County and his efforts, along with staff, to try to find ways to continue involving volunteers in the mission.
Want to share your insights? Click the button to complete the form.
Register to participate in this fun night of games and reminiscing.

Join us on Friday, October 25 from 6-10pm at First Congregational UCC, Oconomowoc as we celebrate ten years of providing support to families experiencing homelessness or at risk of experiencing homelessness. Be ready for a party that celebrates the life changing history of this organization!
This anniversary celebration will include:
Trivia Games
Teams + Costumes
MC Doug Jarecki
Heavy hors d’oeuvres made by former guest Michelle Miller
Drinks of wine, beer, soda and water
Presentation of our first ever Founder’s Award
The Next Ten Years

The event will cost $75 per person or $450 for a team of six. Teams cannot exceed six people.
Trivia Rules
A description of each game and rules for the evening will be emailed to you the week of the event. We hope you will join us for this celebration
How many churches were the original partners of Family Promise of Western Waukesha County?
Volunteers needed
There are a few opportunities for which we need help to serve our families. Would consider getting involved or bringing your group to support those experiencing homelessness. Here are a few ways you can get involved.

The meals for families in the Apartment Shelter Program have been positively received! Lately we have struggled to sign up businesses, congregations or civic groups to make and serve the meals. Only 3 groups have signed up for the nine available weeks in September and October. Meals can really be prepared and served by 3-5 people. We hope you will consider helping. Please review the sign-up genius for details.
Volunteers are needed for Project Homeless Connect sponsored by United Way of Greater Milwaukee and Waukesha Counties on Tuesday, October 22 between 10 am - 3pm.

The event is held at Carroll University. Project Homeless Connect is an annual event that brings resources and services together under one roof to best serve those experiencing homelessness. We are looking for guest advocate volunteers who will assist individuals, connecting them with resources and services provided that day. Volunteers will:
Interact one-on-one with guests throughout the day.
Guide guests to needed services and resources.
Help throughout the day, assisting with lunch, the health and hygiene room, the check in/check out processes, and other resource areas.
Individuals must pre-register to secure a spot to volunteer. There will be no volunteer walk-ins the day of the event. If you are bilingual, please note that in your submission.

Providing transportation to help families go to interviews, grocery store, food pantries, and work is a rising need. Currently the majority of families do not drive. This is a service that ebbs and flows depending on the needs of families in the Apartment Shelter Program. Drivers are given a request to drive 48 hours in advance of the trip. All drivers choose when they are available. It is necessary for volunteer drivers to participate in the online training and undergo a criminal background check and a check of their driver’s license. Contact Maria if interested in helping in this way.
Seeking contractors for two projects at our Day Center
Family Promise of Waukesha County has received a Community Development Block Grant to tuck point our facility and modernize our elevator. Contractors interested in this work are asked to submit a bid by September 15 for consideration of this project. All contractors must be able to pay a prevailing wage for these jobs and have experience completing the necessary paperwork.
Since our building is a local landmark the contractor who is awarded the tuck pointing job should have experience working on historical buildings and have the ability to provide mortar that is similar in thickness and color to the current mortar. To submit a bid contact Joe Nettesheim,

Thank you to all who have assisted with gas and grocery gift cards. A special recognition to St.Anthony on the Lake, Pewaukee for their generosity in providing gift cards.
We continue to have a need for supplies:
Toilet paper
Paper towels
Trash bags
Hand soap
Bed sheets
Questions? Contact Maria:
Please note our street and mailing addresses below:
Street Address:
139 E North Street
Waukesha, WI 53188
Mailing Address
PO Box 66
Waukesha, WI 53187
Sep 9 10th Anniversary Planning
Sep 9 Executive Committee Meeting
Sep 9 Staff Meeting
Sep 11 ICA Monitoring
Sep 11 Weekly Meal- need a group
Oct 21-25 Family Promise Week
Oct 22 Housing Think Tank: Addressing the Housing Crisis (mark calendar, watch for more info)
Oct 23 Panel on the Criminalization of Homelessness (mark calendar, watch for more info)
Oct 25 10th Anniversary Celebration and Trivia Night (mark calendar, watch for more info)

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