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Congregations start building affordable housing on their property

Even though Family Promise of Waukesha County is a secular organization, we have partnered with congregations of all faith traditions. These partnerships have come easy because our missions align. It is safe to say that most faith communities understand that housing is a social justice issue. Some may ask, What Would Jesus Do?, but we actually know the answer. Jesus would feed the hungry, give drink to the thirsty, clothe the naked, visit the sick and imprisoned. It is not a stretch to add that Jesus would want to house those experiencing homelessness.

Some faith communities are responding literally to the message found in Matthew 25 by creating affordable housing. A new phenomenon is sprouting up across the country where faith communities are using part of their property to create affordable housing. Reverend Victor Cyrus- Franklin shared that the rising housing costs are threatening his community and he feels compelled to respond. Besides living out their mission by developing affordable housing, for some faith communities it has become a way to strengthen their budget. 

This article, What Would Jesus Do, tells the story of how congregations are working to be part of the solution of a lack of affordable housing. It is wonderful to see faith communities responding to those experiencing homelessness in a transformational way. 

Would your faith community consider such an endeavor we would jump at a chance to have that conversation with you. It would be another way to provide a community response to homelessness!

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