The Family Promise Five is a weekly update that focuses on the FIVE topics, issues, events, volunteer opportunities or needs of Family Promise Waukesha County. This communication will update, inform and advocate for families who are experiencing homelessness or at risk of experiencing homelessness. Here is the Family Promise Five for May 10, 2024.

Our mission is to help low-income families and families experiencing homelessness achieve sustainable independence through a community-based response.
The Family Promise Five for May 10 are:

“(24/7) once you sign onto motherhood, it’s the only shift they offer.”
- Jodi Picoult
“Motherhood is the act of infinite optimism.”
- Gilda Radner
"If I were asked to define Motherhood, I would have defined it as Love in its purest form. Unconditional love."
—Revathi Sankaran
For the photos of the week, we asked staff to provide a photo of themselves with their mom or as a mom.
Reasons I will attend the Shelter Diversion Community Meeting on May 23 at the Waukesha Library
Special recognition to all the moms who are experiencing homelessness

One of our most striking statistics for those we serve at Family Promise of Waukesha County is that 80% of the families we serve are led by a single mom. Being a parent today is difficult. Being a single parent is more difficult. Being a single parent without a home is tragic. Homelessness can challenge one’s self-esteem, create feelings of doubt, and fear. How does a mom balance those feelings while knowing they have to hold it together while remaining the source of stability for their children? There is a negative stereotype about those who experience homelessness. Our experience is that the moms who stay in our shelter or reach out for financial assistance are resilient, brave, and resourceful.
With this in mind, we wish a Happy Mother’s Day to all the moms, step-moms, motherly-mentors, mother’s-to-be and all those who have nurtured us in our life.
Family Reflects on their time in shelter

Entering shelter is a traumatic and scary experience. Families can feel vulnerable, uncertain of their future and as though they have completely failed their children and themselves. While homelessness is its own trauma it was often preceded by another traumatic experience. Moving into their own home is a significant day. It is a day of healing, hope with a sense of accomplishment.
A family who recently moved out of shelter shares their insights into the experience. No doubt as they gain more distance from the experience, they will gain additional insights but in this blog they explain where they are today.
Our experience was very humbling and an eye opener on how a family’s stability can change drastically and unexpectedly. We have learned to work together, as well as not take things for granted. For me personally, this experience has allowed me to see the importance of organizations such as Family Promise in our communities.
- recent client
Learn about Shelter Diversion on May 23
An informational meeting about the new Shelter Diversion program will be held on Thursday, May 23, 2024 at 4:30pm. Everyone from the community is invited to attend. We hope to see representatives from service providers, healthcare, schools, government, businesses, law enforcement, congregations, and landlords. Anyone who cares about addressing family homelessness should attend. The purpose of this meeting is to:
Share the background for this pilot program.
Provide an introduction to Shelter Diversion.
Present strategies to address unsheltered family homelessness.
Discuss how you can partner with us and how it can benefit you.
Allow for input and feedback.
While Family Promise of Waukesha County is the lead agency for this program, our most important role is to mobilize our entire county to respond. It is essential to ensure that we are able to identify all families experiencing homelessness, and have viable options for housing low-income families. This cannot be accomplished by one agency. Having families with safe and stable housing is essential for our county to thrive. We hope you will join us for this conversation about Shelter Diversion as another tool to address family homelessness.

Reasons I will attend the Shelter Diversion Community Meeting on May 23 at the Waukesha Library
0%Learn more about Shelter Diversion
0%Understand how to address unsheltered family homelessness
0%See how my group, organization, or business can get involved
0%Important for Waukesha Co to address family homelessness
You can vote for more than one answer.
Join a passionate and caring team making a difference

Family Promise of Waukesha County is now hiring for three positions. Please help us spread the word.
Shelter Diversion Coordinator
The Diversion Coordinator is responsible for the development, implementation and coordination of all aspects of the Shelter Diversion program. This program will focus on assisting families to find temporary and permanent housing so that they are able to avoid the shelter system. The Diversion Coordinator should have a trauma informed approach to all families and focus on creative problem solving.
Shelter Diversion Family Advocate
The Family Advocate- Shelter Diversion will be a passionate and committed individual who has a trauma informed approach to caring and advocating for the needs of families experiencing homelessness. The main goal of the Family Advocate is to use their creativity, resources, and life experience to assist families to achieve safe, stable housing without entering the shelter system. While working with Shelter Diversion families the individual who holds this role will also need to be knowledgeable with mainstream resources and other services offered by Family Promise of Waukesha County.
Intake Coordinator
The Intake Coordinator is responsible for processing applications for the Homelessness Prevention Program and conducting an initial assessment. This individual will interact with all families using a trauma informed approach. The Intake Coordinator will work closely with Coordinated Entry and the Homelessness Management Information System. Must have a strong attention to detail and an ability to work well with staff, volunteers and the families we serve.
FP Waukesha receives grant of $35,000
Fund Development
Thank you to the Otto Bremer Trust for a grant of $35,000 for operations. These funds will give families experiencing homelessness a chance to secure permanent housing. The Otto Bremer Trust first provided support to Family Promise of Waukesha County in 2020 with an emergency grant of $25,000 during the Covid pandemic. Their continued support over the past four years now totals $130,000. "Experiencing homelessness has a profound impact on every aspect of a family’s life,” said Charlotte Johnson, co-CEO and trustee of the Otto Bremer Trust. “Family Promise of Waukesha County is making tremendous strides in altering the trajectory of families facing this struggle by not only offering affordable housing through its innovative Apartment Shelter Program but also by offering support and a sense of community that is invaluable to these families." We are grateful and overwhelmed by the generosity that the Otto Bremer Trust has shown to families experiencing homelessness.

The Otto Bremer Trust is a private charitable trust based in St. Paul, Minn. Created in 1944 by business and community leader Otto Bremer, it is committed to supporting an enhanced quality of life for residents of Minnesota, Montana, North Dakota, and Wisconsin. Since its founding, OBT has invested more than $1 billion in its region’s people, places, and opportunities.
Five Plus
10 Year Anniversary
To help us remember, celebrate and tell the story of the many stages of our ten year history, we need your help. Could you take a few minutes to answer a few questions? We hope to establish a timeline and share stories of success and challenges over the years. It does not matter if you were involved from the beginning or just recently... your input matters. Thanks ahead of time.
Golf Outing Sponsorships
Show your corporate, congregational or groups support of families experiencing homelessness by sponsoring the Family Promise of Waukesha County Golf Outing. Birdie ($1,000), Par ($500) and Hole ($250) sponsorships are available. Registration for golfers has reached capacity and is now closed.
Thank you to all of our sponsors!

A Different Type of Request
Our staff has started to take an hour for lunch and camaraderie each Monday. One of the ways we have been building our culture, blowing off steam and just having some fun is by playing bags. Currently a staff member brings their game every week. Would you consider donating a game to Family Promise of Waukesha to further our staff eco-system? The game would also be used for activities with families. Here are two examples (click on the images for details):
May 13 Family Promise Staff Meeting
May 14 Golf Outing Meeting
May 17 Balance of State Quarterly Meeting
Women and Girl’s Fund Women of Distinction
May 20 Board of Trustees
May 22 FP Apartment Shelter Dinner

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