Alma Mercado

Alma Mercado is serving at Family Promise of Waukesha County as a Family Advocate for the Shelter Diversion Program. She studied at the University of Milwaukee Wisconsin and plans to continue her studies in the near future. Her experience at other social service agencies has allowed her to develop a strong background in advocacy, community engagement, and leadership. She considers herself a “jack of all trades”.
One focus in her life has been providing support to others and through her work as an advocate for survivors of Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault. This experience has allowed her to discover her passion for helping those who have experienced trauma. Always willing to learn, Alma seeks ways to expand her knowledge and have opportunities to better understand the world around her.
As a Latina it is important to her to grow within her community, career, and self. She is proud to, “have a good head on my shoulders.”
Role at Family Promise of Waukesha County
Alma is the Family Advocate for the Shelter Diversion Program.
262-968-2321 ex 109