Courtney Rutkowski joined our staff as the Lead Case Manager in November 2021. As our services and number of clients that we serve grows we have a need for one staff member to focus on the programs and services we offer. Therefore, we are pleased to announce that Courtney is taking on a new role as Family Services Director. She has earned this new role through her compassion, commitment, skill, and care for families experiencing homelessness. We are grateful to Courtney and excited for her to further use her gifts at Family Promise of Waukesha County.
Here is an overview of her role:
The Family Services Director is responsible for the designing, implementation, and assessing of programs for families experiencing homelessness or at risk of experiencing homelessness. These programs will focus on assisting families to achieve sustainable and self-sufficient housing. This role will work closely with the Executive Director and program committee in identifying needed programs to best serve families in Waukesha County. This role also includes mentoring and coaching of Family Advocates in their role to assist families. The FSD will promote a trauma informed approach for all programs and case management.