This blog provides the top 5 highlights or updates about Family Promise of Waukesha County for Friday, November 17, 2023.

The Friday Five is a weekly update that focuses on the 5 main things happening at Family Promise Waukesha County. This communication should update, inform and advocate for families who are financially vulnerable.
Our mission is to help low-income families and families experiencing homelessness achieve sustainable independence
through a community-based response.
Family Promise of Waukesha County Offices will be closed Thursday, November 23 and Friday November 24 for the Thanksgiving holiday.
The stories you can read this week are:
The literal meaning of philanthropy is affection of humankind. Throughout our history, we Americans have displayed this trait through our generous charitable giving and our spirit of neighbor helping neighbor.
-Ronald Reagan
This past week a group of volunteers painted doors at Z's Habitat for Humanity house. Plus the cabinets are in! Maria and Kelly were at a United Way of Greater Milwaukee and Waukesha County seminar.
The criminalization of homelessness or sweeping encampments is a legitimate approach to homelessness.
End of Year Appeal is Ready to Go!
You should be receiving our end of the year funding campaign booklet delivered to your mailbox in the next few days! Here is an early peek.
Our goal is to raise $200,000 by December 31, 2023 to serve families experiencing homelessness or at risk of experiencing homelessness. A number of businesses, civic groups, foundations have donated or pledged $43,750. We are already 22% toward our goal. Thank you
The theme is HOME FOR GOOD because the focus of Family Promise of Waukesha County is to help families secure a permanent housing solution. We help families find a Home for Good!
Plus, everything about having a home is good for families! It is a place where memories are made, bedtime stories are read, board games are played and birthdays are celebrated!
The stability of home is good for our entire community. Permanent housing alleviates many of the issues that accompany poverty. A community that addresses homelessness creates a brighter future for everyone.
Your generous gift will help families like Z, who will secure homeownership in the next few months and Shateria who moved into her apartment a week ago. (see more about Shateria below).
Family Promise of Waukesha County is able to serve families when we have the necessary resources. In 2023 we will serve over 100 households. Your gift is necessary to maintain this level of service in 2024. Your generosity can ensure that families have a home for good.
You can hear Z's story in 3 different videos on our donate page.

Shelter family moves into their apartment.
Shateria, who was a resident in the Community Shelter over the summer moved into her apartment in early November. Over the weekend Fresh Start Furnishings, the program of Denise O’Halloran and Gail Frangiamore, helped set up her home. in this video Denise provides a tour of the home and then you will see Shateria and her family see the "reveal" for the first time.
This is what it's all about. Thank you Denise, Gail and Team! You are awesome.
Congratulations, Shateria and family.
FP to help more than 100 families on 2023
At the end of October Family Promise of Waukesha County had served 67 families through the Family Homelessness Prevention Program and 24 families in the shelter programs or a total of 91 unique families. We are on pace to serve over 100 families in 2023. To give this context we served 101 families from November 2014 to March 2020. From March 2020 to December 2022 we served 174 families. Here are some items that standout:
In October we served 20 families in shelter and prevention
The 24 shelter families are composed of 28 adults and 57 children
10 of 11 families served with financial assistance were single parent households.
Of the nine families served in shelter during October four were doubled up; 3 came to us from their car.
A car is not a home.
84% of prevention families make less than $2,000 monthly.
After Waukesha, the next largest community that has families with a new for financial assistance was Pewaukee.
Check out the images below for more demographics of those we serve.
Courtney and Kelly celebrate their anniversaries
November is a festive month around Family Promise of Waukesha County. We celebrate two anniversaries and three birthdays. Congratulations to Courtney and Kelly. Courtney is celebrating two years at Family Promise while Kelly is celebrating one year.
Thank you and Congratulations, Courtney!
Thank you and Congratulations, Kelly
Besides being Joevember, November is a birthday month for Lisa, and Tim. Happy Birthday to both of you. Hope you were able to celebrate your day!

Family Promise of Waukesha County is continuing to seek shelter advocates for the Emergency Overflow Shelter.
A person does not lose their dignity because they are experiencing homelessness
Recently, the state of California decided to conduct sweeps of the homeless encampments in San Francisco to "clean-up" the city in preparation of a visit from China's President Xi. Governor Newsom compared this program to what one does when they have company over to their house. "When you have people over to the house, you are going to clean up the house. You are going to make sure the kids make their beds; take the socks and put them in the drawer, put them in the hamper." The Governor received a lot of criticism for this action and these comments. A fair amount of people were not upset that he reduced human beings to dirty socks, but because he did not do this sooner. There are more and more people who want to criminalize homelessness. Why? Not to solve the problem- but because like the Governor, its out of sight out of mind.

While homelessness is a complicated issue with no simple answers, we are certain that comparing a human being to a dirty sock that has to be put into a hamper is dehumanizing and not part of the solution. Hearing those words reminded us of a video called Radical Hospitality. We shared it once before in this space, but the philosophy of hospitality in this video affirms human dignity and lifts people up. It does not reduce a human being to a thing that should not be seen.
Hospitality is one of the foundational values of Family Promise. We hope you will see past the issues that surround some who are experiencing homelessness and see a human being who is deserving of kindness.
The criminalization of homelessness or sweeping encampments is a legitimate approach to homelessness?
0%I am not sure.
The Friday Five will take a break on Thanksgiving weekend!
Nov 20 Board of Trustees
Nov 23 Thanksgiving Offices Closed
Nov 24 Offices Closed
Nov 28 Giving Tuesday
Dec 12 Fund Development Committee
Dec 13 Return Holiday Gifts

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