(originally published on February 11th, 2021)
Jamie is one of eleven board members who provide vision, oversight and direction to Family Promise of Waukesha County. Each of their stories, gifts and ways that they participate on the board of directors is unique, but their commitment, dedication and care for those experiencing homelessness is universal.

How did you get involved with Family Promise?
I got involved with Family Promise through a co-worker of mine. I was not familiar with FP prior to that, but my co-worker was involved with FP through his church and as a volunteer. He explained to me their mission and how his church works with FP and I became very interested. They actually approached him to join the board, but he was unable to at the time due to other commitments. He asked me if I’d be interested in talking with the ED and board president. I knew after my first meeting with them, I wanted to be involved with this organization.
What is it about the Family Promise mission that made you want to volunteer?
Just the overall mission and how they help families. As a father and a husband, family is the most important thing in my life. I immediately became interested because I wanted to help families in need.
What ways have you volunteered or served Family Promise?
In addition to being on the board, I am also involved with the Fund Development committee. For the last two years, I have coordinated our participation in the Piggly Wiggly brat stand as well as served an active role in our golf outing. I’ve also helped with other fundraising activities including our recent Giving Tuesday campaign where I secured our 3 corporate sponsors. With my finance background, I also help with all our banking related needs.
What has been rewarding about your service?
First and foremost, the most rewarding thing about my service has been helping families. It is incredibly gratifying to hear of all our success stories. Knowing we have continuously been able to get families back on track and helped them through an incredibly difficult time is what I like best about being involved with this organization. It has also been very rewarding to see how many people are willing to help our cause. You really see the good in people when I ask for help and they are so willing to provide assistance to our cause. All of this cannot be done without the incredible work our staff does on a daily basis. I find it rewarding working with such an incredible staff that is so dedicated to our mission.
Any challenges?
I just wish I had more time to devote to FP! Between family, work and my other activities, I don’t have as much time as I would like to help. But the time I am able to dedicate to FP is time well spent!