Family Promise of Waukesha County has over 1300 people who serve as volunteers. We want to highlight some of those individuals, so you know how others get involved. These volunteers, supporters, donors, and Family Promise friends are what make this organization function. These are our heroes and inspiration. Today we profile Lauren Morrison, the Volunteer Coordinator at Our Savior Evangelical Lutheran Church, Hartland.
How did you get involved with Family Promise of Waukesha County?
I became involved with Family Promise shortly after joining Our Saviors Lutheran Church in Hartland. I was looking for a way to be involved in the community through volunteering. 
What is it about the Family Promise mission that made you want to volunteer? 
At the time, I was living on a lean income and knew that if something happened in my life, I may not be far from homeless as well. I know that I have a support system that would be there to help me. So if I could provide this to one parent or child through listening, serving a meal or providing a space to feel safe that I would have made a difference, given that family one more item to check of their list or feel at ease.
What ways have you volunteered or served Family Promise?
I began as a volunteer, primarily overnight because that is what worked with my schedule and then filled in other shifts as I was able. After volunteering for about 1.5 years, Jackie Jones reached out asking if I would like to transition to serving as a coordinator. I accepted! Within our church I have helped where needed as we hosted as well as coordinated meals. Since then I have grown with the Family Promise Family.
What has been rewarding about your service?
Each time I have interacted with a Family and you see that they relax into the week and worry a little less, each child that doesn’t want to leave our church, the success stories, the laughs with guests in the evenings, ect. I think the rewards are endless and revive each of the volunteers after a host week.