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FRIDAY 5 for 07152022


The top 5 highlights or updates about Family Promise of Waukesha County on Friday July 15, 2022.

This week we have a special thank you for to The Delafield Community Fund and Faith Springs Presbyterian for their financial support. See the photos in the slideshow. The stories you can read this week are:

  • We Prayed For a Year

  • Celebration of Hope and Home

  • Live Auction Items

  • 7 Question Trivia

  • Poll: Your feedback on the new format

Our mission is to help low-income families and families experiencing homelessness achieve sustainable independence through a community-based response.



There is nothing more satisfying than having a family move into their new home. Today and tomorrow this is happening for one of the families who have been in the Apartment Shelter Program. What makes this story particularly rewarding is that this family had been homeless for over a year. They have lived with relatives, in their car and they were even in our shelter in early 2022. When they left then they did not go to their own home- instead they went to live with a relative. A couple months ago, when mom reached back out to us, we had to discuss if bringing them into the shelter again was in everyone's best interest. It is not typical for us to accept a family returning within that short time span. For some reason, having an open apartment, we just knew they needed another chance.

Today, two months after their return, mom is working regularly, has saved enough money for a couple of months rent, and many tears of joy have been shed as they prepare to move into their new home. When Courtney visited this week, mom was so used to hearing bad news that she sent the kids out of the room. After confirming that everything was in place for their move mom invited the children back into the living room where they told Courtney,

"We prayed every night for a year for our new house."

Prayers, answered!

We are proud of mom and happy for her three children ages 9, 8 and 3.

A special thank you to Two Men and A Truck who have now conducted a few free moves for families moving out of shelter. Plus cheers to Courtney for utilizing this service.



You are invited to an evening to celebrate hope and home. Join us on Monday, July 25 for a program following the golf outing that features the stories of Michelle and Sasha. Michelle and her daughter Cami were guests in our shelter in 2018. Now she owns her own home! Sasha received prevention funding after her partner passed away unexpectedly.

These stories will be told as part of the program following the golf outing. The program costs $50 and includes hors d’oeuvres, musical entertainment, dinner, raffle, silent and live auction. It will be held at the Oconomowoc Golf Club. The party starts at 5pm. Registration is necessary.

Registration will close midnight on July 18.



During the program which follows the golf-outing Family Promise will be conducting a live auction.

Live auction items include:

  • Chef Inspired Dinner for 8

  • Golf Foursome at Oconomowoc Golf Club plus dinner

  • Christie Club Condo in Steamboat Springs, Colorado

There are also some wonderful silent auction items as well including baskets from many of our partner congregations, Packer and Badger Tickets and a family photo session from Dan Herda Photography.

View a complete description of each live auction item by clicking the button below.

If you are unable to attend the event you can bid by proxy. If you are interested in using a proxy bid you would contact Joe Nettesheim and share with him the item on which you wish to bid and your maximum bid. You would also need to provide credit card information in the event that you win the item. A volunteer would be assigned to represent you during the live auction. They will not bid more than your maximum bid and will try to obtain the item for you at the lowest amount over the minimum bid. To participate in the live auction with a proxy you are committing to the minimum bid for that item if it exists.



We try to provide you lots of information about Family Promise of Waukesha County and the issues that are facing the families we serve. Here is a fun way to test your knowledge about our organization and the issues of homelessness. Click on the photo to take the seven question quiz. Have fun!



Well, we thought we would try something new. The Friday Five has had the same format for over two years. We hope that by using a blog page you will spend some time on our website. You can also leave a comment below if you sign up below.

What is your opinion of the new format for the Friday Five?

  • This was a good change- freshens it up.

  • It's OK, but it needs some more work.

  • A new approach is good, but this was not it.

  • I miss the old one.


Need assistance? Any of our dedicated staff can assist you. Visit our staff page for biographies and contact information.

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