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This blog provides the top 5 highlights or updates about Family Promise of Waukesha County for Friday, October 14, 2022.


Our mission is to help low-income families and families experiencing homelessness achieve sustainable independence

through a community-based response.


The stories you can read this week are:

If you were a single parent with two elementary age children and had to make a decision between a job with a higher wage and one that would provide flexibility to be present to your kids, what would you choose?


Photos of the Week come from three events. (1) Sue and Emmanuel UCC, Dousman was a drop off for out Winter Clothing Drive. (2) Joe and Terry of St Anthony on the Lake sheltered in our basement for 45 minutes during the tornado warning on Wednesday. It just happened to be Terry's birthday! (3) We filmed a new video of clients talking about their experience of Family Promise. We hope to release it in mid-November.



Family Promise Week is here! From October 17–23, we’re celebrating Family Promise Week wherever there’s a Family Promise Affiliate.

This video is a short introduction to how Family Promise began and how it has grown into a nationwide organization changing the lives of those who are experiencing homelessness.

Since 1988, more than one million children and parents have turned to Family Promise for assistance with homelessness prevention, shelter and housing, and other supports, and the need for our services continues to grow.

Here are ways Family Promise in Waukesha County is celebrating Family Promise Week!


You are invited to a Dialogue of Hope with Michelle, a former guest of Family Promise. Michelle stayed in the shelter in fall of 2018. Four years later she owns her own home. During this evening you will be able to hear her story and ask her questions. We will also dialogue about the current housing market and how it is impacting families experiencing homelessness today.

Registration is necessary. See details and register below:



Night Without a Bed is Family Promise’s annual social media challenge to raise awareness about family homelessness.

Families with children make up 35 percent of the nation’s homeless population. This year, the U.S. housing crisis has grown worse as inflation has risen, and a growing number of families are unable to find available and affordable housing.

We ask for registration so we know who is joining us for this event.



Congratulations to Linda, who moved into her own apartment this past week. This has been an epic journey for her as she struggled to find an apartment complex that either had space or would accept her Section 8 housing voucher. At the end of August, she was at the cusp of losing her voucher. Then once she had the apartment, she had to wait weeks before it was inspected. It has been a long time, but we are so happy and excited that Linda is finally in her own home and admire her perseverence!


Through the prevention program, after the first three quarters of 2022, we have served:

52 Unique Households

69 Adults

108 Children

In the shelter program as of September 30, 2022 we have served:

14 households- this includes families and single women

20 adults

21 children

You can review our program report and learn more about those we have served in 2022 by clicking on the thumbnail below.

Family Promise September statistics



You can drop off Winter Clothing items this Saturday, October 15 from 9-noon at Family Promise of Waukesha County, 139 E North Street, Waukesha.

There are still 2 items that have not been claimed. You can sign up here:



Family Promise has prepared an online seminar to help staff, volunteers, and donors to consider how we respond to the needs of all people that we serve. The seminar is convenient because you can complete the modules at your own pace and in a way that allows you to reflect on how to grow in our understanding of others.

It is easy to downplay how ethnicity, culture, religion, gender, and age contributes to how we relate to one another. It is healthy and positive to raise our awareness, to become more sensitive and to be open to learning about others. This is how we grow. For Family Promise, it is also how we can extend our value of welcoming and hospitality. We invite you to participate in the seminar and reflect on the importance of diversity, equity, and inclusion.

To participate, click on the image below. You will need to make an account for yourself and then select Volunteer Training for DEIA. This is also the format for volunteers to be trained online.



60% of the families we serve have a single mother as the head of household. Try to imagine the responsibility you have as a single parent, taking care of your children alone while trying to find a way to pay the bills often without the help of child support. Some call us after spending a few months living in their car. These women are brave, courageous and dedicated to their families.

For too many of these moms, they do not receive a wage that provides them a realistic chance at being able to afford a permanent home. Plus, it is not unusual for a mom to choose a job that may pay less but offers the flexibility she needs for her children. One single mom is working a job that paid her $15.50 an hour and she was working 32 hours a week. She likes this job and her employer because they are willing to accommodate the needs of her family. At her pay rate and the number of hours she works per week, she can afford an apartment that costs about $667 a month. A two bedroom apartment at this rate does not exist in Waukesha County.

We often speak about the need for affordable housing, but its close ally are wages that do not give families a chance. At the symposium, one Executive Director has added a vocational program. She said we cannot elevate people out of poverty without helping them achieve higher paying jobs.

While this article in The Hill really needs some thoughtful discussion, it does speak to the need of the importance of employment and a fair wage as another piece of the puzzle in solving homelessness. I think our moms would agree.


Imagine you're a single parent with 2 children under 10 yrs. Would you choose a higher wage job or one that provide flexibility to be present for your kids?

  • Higher paying job

  • Flexibility to be there for my children



October 15 Winter Clothing Drive Drop Off at the FP Day Center

October 17 Board of Trustees Meeting



You can also join our Facebook volunteer group to learn about volunteer opportunities.


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